Online teaching #0

Online teaching #0

It's the beginning of April, 2020. Since one month our world turned upside down. The pandemia changed our reality, daily routine is much more home like. Despite that, education didn't give up and it's still going on, it's going on online.

First days of changes

On 10th of March 2020 the University of Warsaw published official information about postponing classes on the University till 14th of April. Just the week after I received an email in which the chancellor announced the University is now on the online mode and every department and professors belonging, are going to decide on their own new principles.

The universities weren't the only institutions to implement changes. Schools did the same. For two days they were opened to take care of students whose parents couldn't take care of, next week they were closed. The big question appeared: how our reality will look like now? What about made plans and hopes for the future? Personally, I asked myself, how are my practice are going to look like? Will I be able to finish the first year of my masters? Not mentioning the fear of my beloved ones and generally all people. But that's not the topic of this post, an I'm sure everyone can feel the same way now.

My linguistic school

Another thing to worry about was: Am I going to be able to earn money in my linguistic school? As this it a private institution, the owner, my boss, was allowed to make any decision he wanted. Fortunately, as I wasn't the only one working about money, he decided to switch on the online mode too. We had few Zoom conferences (that's when I found out what the Zoom is, but that's a topic for the next post), we got plenty of emails. All insecure and scared, the teachers agreed to accept the challange of online teaching. Even the seventy- years- old lady, german teacher, decided to do so. Actually, her connection and the quality of her video was way better than some other's teachers.

The first week, 16.04- 22.04, we didn't conduct lessons as everything was in progres, but a the end of this week we got passwords to log in the Zoom. 23.04.- 29.04 was my first time of online teaching, I had my two older groups (A2+), but the younger was still postponed as we couldn't find a proper way to make an online lesson proper for young learners. At the weekend my boss together with me and other teachers brainstormed and we agreed we will be able to have the lessons according to previous timetable. Second week of online lessons passes, I conducted all lessons according to the plan, I even substituted for my friend with first graders.

My opinion is very positive. Online teaching is different for sure, it sets new difficulties and challenges but some aspects are making my teaching more effective and fluent. Also, my students seems to enjoy using the technology on every lesson and they act as if it was normal for them. The younger ones learn quickly how to use computer or other electronic device, and the older ones are just as fluent as me or even more.

Nevertheless, some teachers on online conferences expressed their doubts and uncertainties. My boss himself talked for hours about how to do basic activities in the Zoom, as mute/ unmute or "share the computer sound". I was completely bored during those meetings but I observed at the same time that some teachers have plenty of questions about obvious things for me. That's probably because of the age and I really respect the fact that not every person twenty years (or more) older than me feels uncomfortable with the technology and needs broader explanation.

That's quick review of last month of my student's and teacher's life. In next posts I'll give more details and maybe some tips to online teachers, so stay tuned and healthy, I wish You all the best!

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