Practice: Teaching individual CLIL lesson

 Practice: Teaching individual CLIL lesson

Teaching CLIL lesson for the first time was stressful. Here I will describe my experience, what worked, what didn't, what could have been done better.

What worked

As I've picked 3D figures for the topic of my unit, I can say that visual presentation worked. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with the students on getting to know and understand the idea of 3D figures. Most importantly, they were to calculate the volume of those figures on our next lesson so I thought: What can I do to help them with this activity? I didn't want them simply to multiply some numbers and get the score. This is not what math is about, and for sure not what CLIL is about. So I conducted many activities which focused on projecting and showing those figures.

My another idea which worked was to choose only two 3D figures and focus on showing the difference between them. I decided to do that because the whole volume idea was very new for the students. So I chose prism and cube, as these are the easiest figures for the beginning. They are most similar to the easiest 2D figures- square and rectangle. That's what I started with, and after few minutes of presentation we had this worksheet:

There are planty of examples of the 3D shapes in different sizes and configurations.

What didn't work

On that lesson I had difficulties while giving vocabulary. I assumed which words students know and which are new. That led to them asking similar questions again and again. Moreover, we did too less of repetition because after presentation of new vocabulary students weren't able to use them while working on different tasks.

Next thing is about me assuming what students remember from last year and what knowledge can I use. It appeared they need to hear one more time about the area of a figure as they couldn't understand the formula for the volume.

Two exercises didn't work because children couldn't work in groups or in pairs due to the virus situation. I didn't predict that and I needed to create new exercises on the spot.

What could have been done better?

I think my materials weren't good enough, I know I could have spent more time on making them clearer and better quality. Also I could have found more interactive materials, like 3D models. So far I do find something on the internet but I'm sure there are better sources.

Here is what I've used, maybe it will be useful for some of you :)

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