Practice: Classroom management

Practice: Classroom management

Materialistic specific of the classrooms

General observations

The classroom in witch lessons of mathematic in English take place is located on the first floor. The size is usual, the advantage I spotted at first are windows in number of three. Even though this time of the year daylight is rather poor I still perceive it as a great plus. On the windowsills there are a few plants witch make the room more cosy and friendly.

As for the furnitures, there are two big bookcases. They have shelves as well as drawers in witch the teacher keeps materials and students' work. There is also space for each student to keep their personal stuff like books, notebooks and school supplies. I find it very practical, it's one of the best ways to indirectly teach children how to organize their stuff, how to take care of their personal belongings and how to keep space around them cleaned and in order. Another profit is it's for a student benefit if he or she take only needed books/ notebooks home, this way his/ hers backpack will be lighter and easier to carry.

Tables and chairs

Tables and chairs- most important elements of the classroom. Not only how are they situated but their qualities. In the school witch I'm describing all classrooms are wired for the same kind of tables and chairs. Tables are individual, so they can be moved any way the teacher decides. The height can be modified, changed depending on each child needs. While the tables are usual for polish school, the chairs are very uniq. They come in two colors: vivd orange or vivid green. They are plastic, rather big and solid. For sure they are very modern, I've seen such a solution for the class environment for the first time.

Teacher's desk is bigger and made of different material than students tables, as well as the chair.

Tables' setting

Tables in the mathematic classroom are set in a shape of horseshoe. As the class is quite longitudinal so are the rows of table on the both sides of a horseshoe. Teacher's desk is located on one end of the horseshoe facing all students' tables.


Naturally there is a whiteboard in the classroom. As for the technologies, there is a interactive screen next to the whiteboard. There is also a projector attached to the ceiling. On teacher's desk there is a computer with big screen. I haven't yet seen the teacher using these technologies but I'm looking forward to it.

1 komentarz:

  1. Hi! It sounds like a traditional classroom!
    I think that the horseshoe is the best solution for learning and teaching as well. The teacher has access to every student and students can observe and discuss with others. Did you have an opportunity to conduct lesson in that classroom? Is there anything that you would like to change or add? Are there any decorations?


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