Practice: Day #1

Practice: Day #1

First Impression

Last Monday I officially began my teacher practice at Social Primary School no. 12 in Wesoła (suburbs of Warsaw). First shocking thing was very peaceful neighborhood. It took me ten minutes walk to get there from the train station. Each building around the school is rather small and the street looks friendly. That's why my first impression was pretty good, I thought to myself I wish I went to a school like this in the past. 

On the inside

I came a little earlier than me and my mentor settled. Kind cleaning lady lead me to the office where I found out that it's still lesson time, so I should wait for my mentor on the corridor. Few minutes passed, weird melody came from the speakers. It was some kind of tune. Afterwards the corridor was very loud and full of students who just left the classrooms. There was shouting and running, I was't really pleased. Finally my mentor found me and we had a conversation in an empty teacher's office. We talked about the organizational issues such as documents, timetables and our cooperation. One of the most interesting facts I found out was how the social school works and this is the main topic of this post.

Social school?

The main idea of social schools is different than regular way of management. Here parents opinion matters much more, they have major impact on everyday life at school. They can discuss with teachers and principal, propose ideas and solutions on a daily basis. It seams rational, parents are the people who care abut they child the most in the world, that's why they'll probably choose the best for him or her.

Talking of the concert school where I attend on my teacher's practice, there are extraordinary features visible to the naked eye giving an impression that something different here. And I wasn't sure if this "different" was very good. What I spotted by now are for example: unique tune coming from the speakers at the end of a lesson (which apparently is the school bell), specific chairs in the classrooms for students (made of plastic, neon green or orange color) and children running and shouting in the corridors. What stunned me even more, was the reaction of the teachers and other grownups, who seamed to find it normal and casual. After thinking this through I concluded that community of this school simply function this way and it works for them. Nevertheless, I need to say I don't find myself in this environment for now.

I attended one, not full, maths in English lesson. It was short and student was writing short test for thirty minutes (so 2/3 of the lesson) so I believe I can't say much about the lesson, class or teacher itself. I for sure will in next posts. Also the topic of English learning in the school is extremely important, so look forward to it!

1 komentarz:

  1. Hi Agnieszka! I just wanted to say that I love the bell' sound! it's so much different than anything i have experienced, only our university campus' bell is similarily different than others. This is a plus to this school. Nevertheless, I believe that for students the chairs might be comfy but for me they were not but I might be too big :) I was also similarily to you concerned with the sound of the school both in corridors and the class. It depends on the students but it's true it was kind of loud there. This is how the school works but I believe that it's important that the teachers and students are fine with how it looks like.


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